"Luftzug" pour Orgue Positif

Dedication "for Carson Cooman, for the dedication of the Von Klem Chamber Organ, Klop Organ Builders, at Memorial Church, Harvard University, Autumn 2006 "

Composed: May, 2006

Duration: ca 3:00


Luftzug for portativ organ was written for the dedication of the Von Klem Chamber Organ, Klop Organ Builders, at Memorial Church, Harvard University, Autumn 2006

In English "Luftzug" means : "draft of air"

This short piece for organ without pedals is clearly in the form of a scherzo. This is a "piece de fantaisie" which evokes the fluidity of air upon which the sound of the organ is built.

I opted for a tonal style. The registration is very importance because it creates the structure A/B/A upon which the piece is constructed. : Plein -jeu / jeux doux / Plein jeu. This work is a pure pièce de divertissement. It is in particular necessary to choose for the central section a jeu bouché (bourdon de 8’). For the two other sequences, if the portativ does not have a plein jeu, then try instead a "mélange creux", for example 8’+2’ without the 4’.

Jean-Thierry Boisseau

Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing

Luftzug for Organ portativ/pour Orgue positif 6€95

Writings Recordings